Badging Services
Photo ID’s | Conferences | Movie Industry Badging & Design Services
We've been making Photo ID and Name Badges for over 35 years and are happy to help design just the right badge for your business. Badging Services range from photo ID's for companies, contractors and response teams to name badges (variable sizes, colors and custom shapes) for retail, entertainment and hospitality businesses.
Services include engraved name badges, full-color photo ID badges, monochrome badges and PVC metallic business cards. ID Software Training also available.
Photo ID Badges are printed on white plastic, pvc, credit-card size cards. Badges may be printed on one side or both sides. Slots are punched in the top of the card.
Photo ID Badges
Single Sided PVC Card
color on front
Double Sided PVC Card
color on front/color on back
color on front/black on back
Name Badges
Printed PVC card with monochrome or full color imprint
Engraved Badge with magnet or pin backing
PVC Cards - name badges, business cards
White - color (full bleed) or monochrome
Metallic Gold with Black Imprint. Other color imprints available.
Metallic Silver with Black Imprint. Other color imprints available.
Contractor Badges
PVC Badges
TEMPBadges - self-expiring badges
Visitor Badges
PVC Badges
TEMPBadges - self-expiring badges
Temporary Badges
PVC Badges
TEMPBadges - self-expiring badges
Accessories also available - lanyards, clips, pouches for badges
ID Badge - Portrait
ID Badge - Landscape
Metallic Silver Business Card
Photo ID Card Pricing - White PVC Card
Business, Construction, Temporary Employee, Response Teams, Movie Industry type photo ID's.
Standard Portrait ID Design
General Card Printing - White or Color PVC Card
General Card Printing includes variable text (imported from Excel Spreadsheet) for name badges, loyalty cards, business cards... It does not include variable photos or images per card. Please see above for Photo ID's and Notes* below for details. Call for pricing.
Due to the nature of the Engraving and ID business, please provide a Letter of Authorization from the company or organization allowing Atlanta ID, LLC permission to print ID’s or engrave items with the company logo. The Letter needs to be signed by a manager with the authorization to order such products. Please note that we verify business registrations with the state.
We do not print driver's license, state ID's, novelty or fake ID’s. We print ID’s for verifiable businesses only.
Please Contact Us for more information. We're happy to help.